What is Reiki?

Chakras are opened and balanced during Reiki
Reiki is a gentle, but powerful, hands-on healing touch treatment that assists in balancing the major energy centers (chakras) and opening the twelve energy pathways (acupressure meridians) of the body. It helps to increase the vibration of areas that are blocked to assist in releasing stuck energy and to bring healing to the area. When these centers, pathways, and blocked areas are open and in harmony, there is potential for the body to self-heal, the mind to be calmed, and your spirit to become more grounded and centered.
It is understood that Reiki serves one’s highest good and, because it integrates body, mind and spirit, a Reiki session can affect the physical, psychological, social and spiritual issues of the client. In other words, Reiki treats the whole person. Reiki also complements other forms of treatment, bodywork, therapy or Spiritual Direction.
To begin, I recommend that you receive a series of at least three Reiki treatments. We will then assess how you are doing. Three sessions can help the body “remember” what it is like to have the chakras, and meridians, open, balanced, and integrated. With continued and consistent sessions you can have the best results. I have many clients who come once a month because they "just feel better" when they are clear and open. Reiki may help clear away the "stuff of everyday life" that can accumulate, which in turn, may help you process that "stuff" and live life more fully and calmly.
It is understood that Reiki serves one’s highest good and, because it integrates body, mind and spirit, a Reiki session can affect the physical, psychological, social and spiritual issues of the client. In other words, Reiki treats the whole person. Reiki also complements other forms of treatment, bodywork, therapy or Spiritual Direction.
To begin, I recommend that you receive a series of at least three Reiki treatments. We will then assess how you are doing. Three sessions can help the body “remember” what it is like to have the chakras, and meridians, open, balanced, and integrated. With continued and consistent sessions you can have the best results. I have many clients who come once a month because they "just feel better" when they are clear and open. Reiki may help clear away the "stuff of everyday life" that can accumulate, which in turn, may help you process that "stuff" and live life more fully and calmly.
Other Ways Reiki Can Help You!
- Reiki helps release knots and tension that may relate to emotional issues that are stuck in the body. The use of guided “Image Work” and dialogue can assist in releasing this stuck energy. This is done in a way that does not repeat any trauma and feels safe to the client.
- Reiki can assist in faster healing from surgeries when done both before and after surgery. Also, it can help heal the trauma associated with having the body & the energy field invaded by the actual surgical cut, the anesthesia, the IV’s, the other pokes and prods that happen while undergoing surgery and a hospital visit, and the possible lack of empathetic touch.
- Studies have shown that Reiki can be extremely helpful to those dealing with cancer and the side effects of medical treatments. It can give cancer patients a boost to their energy field that can assist in greater energy during their treatments of chemo, radiation, surgery, and the many CAT scans and other tests that may drain energy. It may also assist in healing emotional and spiritual issues that may accompany a cancer diagnosis. In addition, it may help the energy field and the body be at a higher vibration. The body’s energy can be measured at approximately 58-62 MHz, and if it dips too much below 58MHz, then it is much easier for “dis-ease" to get started in the first place.
- Stress reactions in the body, such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and chest tightness or tension, have been alleviated and controlled with consistent Reiki appointments. Reiki may also be helpful for relieving PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from many various causes such as active service in the armed forces, accidents, abuse, and other trauma.
- Reiki may assist with issues of prolonged grief, issues that need forgiveness, for self and/or others, and issues of abuse.
- People who are being treated for psychiatric conditions such as bi-polar, anxiety disorders, and other similar issues may be assisted with Reiki as a complement to their therapy and medications.
- Reiki may assist in healing of broken bones, bumps, bruises or burns by keeping the energy flowing well in those areas and healing the trauma accompanied with the injury or accident.
- Reiki may assist clients in slowing down, being still, and often helping them “go someplace else” similar to meditation. When this happens, the entire person may then “self-heal” and experience relief and respite from the stress and anxiety that so often accompany our lifestyles. We simply do not often have the alpha (relaxed and effortless alertness), delta (deep sleep) or theta (light sleep and drowsiness) brainwaves needed to fully relax, since we are so often in the beta (stress and anxiety) mode!
- Reiki can help to bring fresh and creative insights into situations at work, home, and with relationships, making it easier to handle and process daily life more effectively.
- And so much more! I'd be happy to discuss any issues that you may be struggling with, and how Reiki may be able to help you. Feel free to email me at jan@janatwood.com, or call me at 616-915-4144.
What's a Reiki Treatment Like?

Reiki also opens blocked Meridians
- An appointment lasts for about one hour. The first appointment might be a bit longer due to filling out, and talking about, the Client Intake Form.
- Is performed on a heated massage/Reiki table with the client fully clothed (though you will be asked to remove watches & some jewelry). Blankets are available, if desired.
- Is done by gently laying hands on, or slightly above, the client, in multiple positions, and with each position held for approximately three to five minutes.
- Is, to some people, deeply relaxing, while others find it highly energizing. Everyone's experience is a bit different.
- Includes, if you wish, an aromatherapy treatment, using one or two of the Young Living Essential Oils that will be selected specifically for you, using muscle testing. This is included in the price of a session.
You may wish to wear loose, comfortable clothing for your Reiki session.
To Contact Me for an Appointment, simply email me at jan@janatwood.com, or call me at 616-915-4144. I look forward to hearing from you, or seeing you, soon!