Handmade Beaded Pendulums
How to use a Pendulum
In the article below, I give explanations for two different ways to use a pendulum... First, with Reiki, and other energy healing modalities, a pendulum can be used to check the chakras, and the other way is to access your inner knowing or intuition. A pendulum can be a very useful tool!
Using Pendulums
© Jan Atwood, Reiki Master/Teacher
Using a Pendulum to check Chakras (energy centers) with Reiki:
A pendulum can be used for checking the health and spin of the chakras prior to a Reiki Session. When checking the seven major chakras, they will spin in a 6” wide clockwise circle when they are open and “normal.” Any other spin is not “normal” and indicates an area that needs extra Reiki. These other spins could be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, elliptical, counter-clockwise, or even completely still.
After choosing a pendulum, cleanse it and make it yours by holding it between your hands and doing Reiki on it until it feels clear. Use all of your Reiki symbols to infuse their energy into the pendulum, as well. Also, place the intention in it that your pendulum will be used for checking the health of chakras.
Checking chakras by using a pendulum is something that needs to be practiced, so don’t worry if you can’t make it spin right away. Often you will need to be alone in a quiet space where you can relax and not feel self-conscious. Don’t be too intense or too serious about it… keep a playful, light attitude. You can practice on yourself until you trust that it is giving you a correct spin. Then try it out on family members or even pets.
After choosing a pendulum, cleanse it and make it yours by holding it between your hands and doing Reiki on it until it feels clear. Use all of your Reiki symbols to infuse their energy into the pendulum, as well. Also, place the intention in it that your pendulum will be used for checking the health of chakras.
Checking chakras by using a pendulum is something that needs to be practiced, so don’t worry if you can’t make it spin right away. Often you will need to be alone in a quiet space where you can relax and not feel self-conscious. Don’t be too intense or too serious about it… keep a playful, light attitude. You can practice on yourself until you trust that it is giving you a correct spin. Then try it out on family members or even pets.
Steps for checking the chakras:
- Keep your intention pure because you can influence the spin with your thoughts.
- Hold the pendulum’s "handle" about six inches from your fingers to the end of the pendulum. You’ll want to have your thumb, index and middle fingers touching just below the actual “handle” of the pendulum, so that it swings freely.
- Hold the pendulum a few inches above each chakra – usually a few seconds is all that is needed for the pendulum to catch the spin…. It may take longer until you are used to working with a pendulum.
- Position of the chakras:
- Root chakra, over the pubic bone
- Sacral chakra, two inches below the naval
- Solar Plexus, where the rib cage comes together
- Heart chakra, over the heart in the middle of the chest
- Throat chakra, middle of the throat over the adam’s apple
- Third Eye, between the eyebrows
- Crown chakra, at the top of the head
- You can check each of the 7 major chakras, looking for a healthy 6” clockwise spin. Note which ones are open & which ones are blocked or closed.
- If you wish, you can also check major joints since each joint has a chakra, however, these will spin away from the body when they are open & healthy. So, the left shoulder will spin out to the left and the right shoulder will spin out to the right.
- Do a full Reiki session, spending more time on the chakras that were closed or blocked, until they feel open.
- When finished with the Reiki session, go back with your pendulum and re-check each chakra.
- If some remain closed, continue to do Reiki in those areas until each one is open and balanced or the same size as the others.
Using a Pendulum to Access Your Inner Knowing:
This use of the pendulum is similar to the muscle testing that some chiropractors and kinesiologists use. It is accessing your unconscious and your intuition in the right side of your brain, and sending a vibrational message to the left side of the brain and down your arm. Please only use this for yourself, or with someone who is present with you and has given their permission, and with whom you are in tune. Also, it is not to be used for predicting the future for yourself or someone else. It is for present time use only.
- Choose a pendulum, and intend that it be used for accessing your inner knowing.
- Hold the pendulum’s "handle" about six inches from your fingers to the end of the pendulum. You’ll want to have your thumb, index and middle fingers touching the actual "handle" of the pendulum, so that it swings freely.
- Keep your intention pure so that you don’t influence the response.
- Ask the pendulum to give you a “yes” response.
- Ask the pendulum to give you a “no” response.
- Ask the pendulum to give you a “neutral” response.
- Test it out by asking something that you know is true: "IS MY NAME (insert your real name)? Note what the response is. This will show you a "YES" answer.
- Now ask your pendulum something that you know is not true: "IS MY NAME (insert a false name)?" Note what the response is. This will show you a "NO" answer.
- You will only have to do the above steps once, in order to know what your yes or no responses will be.
Once you have determined the above, and when you wish to know which essential oil, type of tea, or vitamin supplement, food, etc., will help you to be stronger and healthier, you can:
- Hold an object (essential oil, tea bag, vitamin, supplement, food or drink, etc.) against your thymus (just under your chin at your breast bone).
- Hold the pendulum in your dominant hand.
- Ask a “yes” or “no” statement or question such as: “This (name of object) will help me to be stronger and healthier,” or “Will this help me to be stronger and healthier?”
- Watch the pendulum’s direction to see which response you receive.
Remember to use common sense and your best judgment at all times. For entertainment use only.
© - Jan Atwood, Reiki Master/Teacher
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at jan@janatwood.com, or you can call or text me at 616-915-4144.